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  • Writer's pictureMarissa Martel


Bestaan is a game that will be released on the App Store and Google Play. It is a deck building game where you can create your decks, as well as create hybrid creatures from combining two cards together. I was initially hired at the beginning of 2021 as a technical artist who was responsible for animating the creatures using Unity 2D.

Using built-in animation system that Unity has to offer, I had to create universal default, idle, idle combat, attack, and defend animations. These are all of the animations the creatures will be performing throughout an encounter of battle. Though, due to the complexity of some abnormal creatures and hybrids that are in the game, custom animations had to be created to adapt to their unique "bone" structure.

Above and below are some examples of creatures performing animations that I created keyframe by keyframe. These characters were not drawn by me.

When the player picks an action for the creature to perform during battle, it will start in the idle combat, then to attack or defend (holding that stance for a brief moment), and then returning back to idle combat.

As time went on, I was given the role of the Lead UI programmer of the game, starting with the deck creation screen.

  • I created card prefabs that would load into the available space and populate accordingly to their stats/abilities/images/rarity.

  • I coded the ability to drag and drop those cards on the screen to the left side to add them to the deck, as well as drag them away from the left to add them back into the library.

  • This game uses the BrainCloud website/servers to save and store all player information.

Example of deck creator scene

Out of respect of my client and their game that's still in development, I tried including as little detail as possible as to not give away too much information about the game. However, I did want to give small descriptions about what I've done on the game to help future clients of mine understand my capability with Unity's animation system and the C# programming language.

I worked on this game for 10 months with this team, and am currently on a leave until they can secure funds from investors. When that is settled, then I will resume my position with them and post any addition information about my work.

Once the game releases, I will add it to my "Games" tab and link the App Store/Google Play page where you can find a more detailed explanation about it.


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