At the beginning of 2022 I started working with a small team who is aiming to develop an iPad app aimed toward children with Autism. Their goal is to create a game-like therapy app with the "levels" acting as lessons to aid them in different skills such as Language, Discrimination, Memory, and Social Skills. I was hired to be their game artist, while another individual worked on the programming and design of the game. This game is being built in Unity 2D.
Example Level:
The first level I drew for was a memory level. The clients' gave me a description that it would be starring a hippo who requests a certain chain of food to be given to him. The player needs to remember the request of the hippo, and then drag an drop the food into his mouth. I hand drew the hippo and his animations, as well as everything else you see in the example below.
All these hippo animations drawn frame by frame.
Dragging food off of table (hippo will wait with mouth open until food is dropped)
Food is placed in hippo's mouth (eating)
Wrong food given to hippo
Correct food given to hippo
Additional Work:
Within the game/app, the player will have their own customizable avatar. To begin with this customization system, I first created multiple templates that will make art easier for myself / any other artists to continue to add new clothing and customization options for their avatar. Below are some examples.
Creating artwork on these templates would allow the customization system I programmed within Unity to easily swap out hats, shirts, pants, etc. and would result in an avatar like the one pictured below.
This app is still in development.